Are We in a Gov Shutdodwn Again

Cessation of "non-essential" government services in the United States due to a funding lapse

Government shutdowns in the United states occur when in that location is a failure to enact funding legislation to finance the government for its next fiscal year or a temporary funding measure. Ever since a 1980 interpretation of the 1884 Antideficiency Act, a "lapse of appropriation" due to a political impasse on proposed cribbing bills requires that the US federal authorities curtail bureau activities and services, close downward non-essential operations, furlough non-essential workers, and only retain essential employees in departments roofing the condom of human life or protection of holding.[ane] Voluntary services may only be accepted when required for the condom of life or belongings.[one] Shutdowns can besides occur within and disrupt state, territorial, and local levels of government.

Since the enactment of the US government'due south current budget and appropriations process in 1976, there have been a total of 22 funding gaps in the federal upkeep, ten of which take led to federal employees being furloughed. Prior to 1980, funding gaps did not lead to authorities shutdowns, until Chaser Full general Benjamin Civiletti issued a legal opinion requiring the government to be close down when a funding gap occurs.[2] This opinion was non consistently adhered to through the 1980s, but since 1990 all funding gaps lasting longer than a few hours have led to a shutdown.

Some of the most meaning shutdowns in U.S. history have included the 21-day shutdown of 1995–1996 during the Bill Clinton administration over opposition to major spending cuts; the 16-day shutdown in 2013 during the Barack Obama administration caused by a dispute over implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA);[3] and the 35-24-hour interval shutdown of 2018-2019 during the Donald Trump assistants, the longest shutdown in US history,[4] acquired by a dispute over the funding amount for an expansion of the U.S.–United mexican states border barrier.[5] [six]

Shutdowns cause the disruption of government services and programs, including the closure of national parks and institutions (in particular, due to shortages of federal employees). A major loss of government revenue comes from lost labor from furloughed employees who are even so paid, too equally loss of fees that would have been paid during the shutdown. Shutdowns too crusade a pregnant reduction in economic growth (depending on the length of the shutdown). During the 2013 shutdown, Standard & Poor'due south, the financial ratings agency, stated on October sixteen that the shutdown had "to date taken $24 billion out of the economic system", and "shaved at least 0.half dozen per centum off annualized fourth-quarter 2013 Gross domestic product growth".[vii]

Federal government [edit]

Overview [edit]

Under the separation of powers created past the United States Constitution, the appropriation and control of government funds for the The states is the sole responsibleness of the United States Congress. Congress begins this process through proposing an cribbing bill aimed at determining the levels of spending for each federal department and government plan. The finalized version of the nib is then voted upon by both the Firm of Representatives and the Senate. After it passes both chambers, it proceeds to the President of the United States to sign the bill into constabulary.

Government shutdowns tend to occur when there is a disagreement over budget allocations earlier the existing bicycle ends. Such disagreements can come up from the President – through vetoing whatever finalized appropriation bills they receive – or from one or both chambers of Congress,[8] [9] often from the party that has control over that chamber. A shutdown can be temporarily avoided through the enactment of a standing resolution (CR), which tin extend funding for the government for a gear up menstruum, during which fourth dimension negotiations can be made to supply an cribbing pecker that all involved parties of the political deadlock on spending can concur upon. However, a CR can be blocked by the same parties if at that place are issues with the content of the resolution beak that either party has a disagreement upon, in which case a shutdown will inevitably occur if a CR cannot be passed by the House, Senate or President. Congress may, in rare cases endeavor to override a presidential veto of an appropriation bill or CR, only such an act requires there to exist majority support of two-thirds of both chambers.

Initially, many federal agencies continued to operate during shutdowns, while minimizing all nonessential operations and obligations, assertive that Congress did not intend that agencies close down while waiting for the enactment of annual appropriations acts or temporary appropriations. However, Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti issued two opinions in 1980 and 1981, that more strictly interpreted the Antideficiency Deed in the context of a funding gap, along with its exceptions. The opinions stated that, with some exceptions, the head of an agency could avert violating the Act only by suspending the agency's operations until the enactment of an appropriation. In the absence of appropriations, exceptions would be allowed but when there is some reasonable and articulable connection between the office to exist performed and the rubber of homo life or the protection of property.[10] Nonetheless, even subsequently the Civiletti opinions, not all funding gaps led to shutdowns. Of the ix funding gaps between 1980 and 1990, only four led to furloughs.[11]

Shutdowns of the type experienced by the United States are nigh impossible in other forms of authorities:

  • Under the parliamentary systems used in most European and Asian nations, stalemates inside the government are much less likely, as the executive head of authorities (i.eastward. the prime minister) must exist a fellow member of the legislature majority, and must maintain the blessing of the legislature to remain in power (confidence and supply). Typically a legislature is suspended if a budget fails to laissez passer (loss of supply), and the head of government must resign. Then the head of state may either appoint another member of legislature who tin can garner majority support, or dissolve the legislature and acquit fresh general elections.
  • In other presidential systems, the executive co-operative typically has the authorisation to keep the government functioning even without an canonical budget.[12]

Effects [edit]

Units of the National Park System closed during the 2013 federal government shutdown. Shown here is the National Mall.

While government shutdowns prior to the 1995–1996 shutdowns had very balmy effects, a full federal government shutdown causes a big number of civilian federal employees to be furloughed. During a government shutdown, furloughed government employees are prohibited from even checking their e-post from home. To enforce this prohibition, many agencies require employees to return their government-issued electronic devices for the duration of the shutdown.[xiii]

Because of the size of the government workforce, the effects of a shutdown can be seen in macroeconomic data. For example, with payment delayed to 1.three meg workers, and 800,000 employees locked out,[14] confidence in the task marketplace decreased but recovered within a month of the 2013 shutdown,[fifteen] [16] and GDP growth slowed 0.1–0.2%.[14] Nonetheless, the loss of Gdp from a shutdown is a bigger sum than it would cost to keep the regime open.[17]

Yet, the complete effects of a shutdown are frequently clouded past missing data that cannot be collected while specific government offices are closed.[14]

Additionally, some effects of the shutdown are difficult to direct measure, and are idea to cause residuum impacts in the months following a shutdown. Some examples include destroyed scientific studies, lack of investment, and deferred maintenance costs.[18] [xix] The length of the 2018–2019 shutdown concise safety and law enforcement investigations, caused air travel delays equally essential workers stopped showing up, shut down some facilities for Native Americans and tourists, and delayed regulatory approvals and clearing hearings for not-detainees.

The verbal details of which regime functions stop during a shutdown is determined by the Office of Direction and Budget.[xx]

What stays open up [edit]

  • "Emergency personnel" go on to be employed, including the active duty (Title 10) military machine, federal law enforcement agents, doctors and nurses working in federal hospitals, and air traffic controllers.[20]
  • Members of Congress continue to be paid, because their pay cannot be altered except by direct police.[21]
  • Mail commitment is non affected equally information technology is self-funded and the funds are not appropriated by Congress.[22]
  • Sometimes the Washington, D.C. municipal government remains open. For example, during the 2013 shutdown, the metropolis remained open considering mayor Vincent C. Gray declared the unabridged municipal government to exist essential.[23]

What shuts downward [edit]

  • For the Department of Defense, at to the lowest degree half of the civilian workforce, and the full-fourth dimension, dual-status military technicians in the US National Guard and traditional Guardsmen (those on Title 32 condition) are furloughed and not paid while the shutdown is in effect.[24] [25]
  • Programs that are funded by laws other than annual appropriations acts (like Social Security) may also be afflicted by a funding gap, if programme execution relies on activities that receive annually appropriated funding.[10]
  • Sometimes parts of the Washington, D.C. municipal authorities shut downwardly, closing schools and suspending utilities such as garbage collection.[26]

Arguments for and against [edit]

During the 2013 shutdown, the moral philosopher Peter Singer argued in Slate, that shutdowns were evidence that the U.S. Constitution's separation of powers constituted "a cardinal flaw."[27]

In 2019, following the stop of the 2018–19 shutdown, Michael Shindler argued in The American Conservative that shutdowns protect popular sovereignty. He writes, "No other political phenomena so forcefully and dramatically obliges the whole people to recognize that their ideological divisions have get then great that the exercise of their sovereignty has become virtually impossible," and "During a shutdown, the government, which is leap by elaborate mechanisms to the national will, becomes confused. For a moment, it seems every bit if the march of American history is at a standstill. In that location are only two means of moving forrard: either government officials follow the will of something other than the nation or the nation engages in a momentous reconciliation of its will."[28]

List of federal shutdowns [edit]

Overview of shutdowns involving furloughs
Shutdown Days Agencies
Cost to
President Refs
1980 one FTC only 1,600 $700,000 Carter [29] [30]
1981 ane 241,000 $80–90 meg Reagan [31]
1984 1 (approx. four hrs.) 500,000 $65 million [31]
1986 1 (approx. iv hrs.) all 500,000 $62.2 million [31]
1990 3 all two,800 $2.57 million H.W. Bush [32]
Nov 1995 5 some 800,000 $400 million Clinton [10] [33]
1995–1996 21 some 284,000
2013 16 all 800,000 $ billion Obama [34] [35]
Jan 2018 iii all 692,900 Trump [36]
2018–19 35 some 380,000 $five billion [37] [38]

This list includes only major funding gaps which led to actual employee furloughs within federal departments of the US government. It does not include funding gaps that did not involve shutdowns of authorities departments, in which examples include: a cursory funding gap in 1982, in which nonessential workers were told to report to piece of work but to cancel meetings and not perform their ordinary duties;[39] a three-day funding gap in November 1983 that did non disrupt government services;[xi] and a 9-hour funding gap in February 2022 that did not disrupt government services.[40] [41]

1980 [edit]

On 1 May 1980, during the Presidential term of Jimmy Carter, the Federal Merchandise Commission (FTC) was close down for one mean solar day later on Congress failed to pass an appropriations bill for the bureau, due to differing opinions towards its oversight of the US economy. Prior to the shutdown, a review had been made of the 1884 Antideficiency Act regarding Congressional approval of agency funding, in which initial opinion on the subject area had been that this did not require a government agency to be closed down in the wake of the expiration of their funding, before Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti overruled this opinion with his own on 25 April 1980, stating that a provision of this act stipulated to the contrary.[29] Five days later, the FTC was shutdown after Congress delayed funding for the agency in order to seek approval for an authorization bill to limit the agency's investigative and dominion-making abilities following criticism of the FTC's ambitious monitoring of the economic system.[42]

The 1980 shutdown was the first fourth dimension a federal agency shut down due to a upkeep dispute,[43] with around 1,600 federal workers for the FTC being furloughed equally a result,[29] [thirty] and Federal Marshals deployed to some FTC facilities to enforce their closure.[44] The shutdown ended later on ane twenty-four hours when Carter threatened to close downwards the entire The states government if Congress did not pass spending bills past ane October after that year, with economists of the time estimating that the 1-24-hour interval shutdown of the FTC price the government around $700,000, the bulk of which was towards back pay for the furloughed workers.[29] [thirty] In the aftermath of the shutdown, Civiletti issued a revised edition of his original stance on xviii January 1981, detailing that shutdowns would still require agencies that protect human safety or belongings to continue operating if funding for them expired.[30]

1981, 1984, and 1986 [edit]

A recorded message used by the White House telephone switchboard during the 1981 shutdown

In 1981, 1984, and 1986, thousands of federal employees were furloughed for a period of between 12 and 24 hours during both Presidential terms of Ronald Reagan. The deadlocks focused on disagreements by Reagan towards Congressional bills that went confronting his political beliefs and goals. The first shutdown took place on 23 Nov 1981, lasting for a day and placing 241,000 federal employees into furlough,[31] after Reagan vetoed a proposed appropriation bill that contained a reduced prepare of spending cuts than he had proposed for select government departments.[45] While the shutdown afflicted but a number of government departments,[46] economists of the time believed that it cost taxpayers an estimated $eighty–90 1000000 in back pay and other expenses over the entire mean solar day.[31]

The second shutdown occurred on the afternoon of 4 October 1984, with 500,000 federal employees placed on furlough during this period, after Reagan mounted opposition towards the inclusion of a water projects package and a civil rights measure inside the proposed appropriations bill that day.[31] While the shutdown covered around nine of the xiii appropriations bills that had not been passed at that point, Congress was forced to remove both of the opposed elements of the beak and include funding of the Nicaraguan Contras as a compromise to end the shutdown,[45] with economists believing that the short menstruation cost taxpayers an estimated $65 meg in backpay.[31]

The third shutdown took place over a similar period and furloughed the same number of federal employees on 17 October 1986. Economists estimated that this menses cost the US government $62 million in lost work.[31] All government agencies were affected by this shutdown.[47]

1990 [edit]

The shutdown of 1990 occurred during the Presidential term of George H. W. Bush and focused on a disagreement over several measures he proposed for the 1991 appropriations beak - the inclusion of major tax increases, despite Bush'due south entrada promise against any new taxes,[48] and major cuts in spending towards do good programs, including Medicare, to combat arrears reduction. On 5 Oct 1990, liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans, led by then House Minority Whip Newt Gingrich, opposed the initial appropriations bundle,[49] [50] with Bush vetoing the second resolution to the spending bill the following day on 6 October.[51]

The shutdown lasted until 9 October, when Bush agreed to remove his proposed tax increases and reduce the amount of spending cuts, in return for Congress providing a concession on the amended nib to allow for increasing income tax on the wealthy.[51] The effects of the deadlock were lessened due to the fact that the shutdown occurred across the Columbus Day weekend - 6 October to 8 October. Only 2,800 workers were furloughed over this menstruum, with national parks and museums, such as the Smithsonian, existence closed, and a handful of departments unable to role, with the price to the government for lost revenue and back wages being estimated to around $two.57 million.[32]

1995–1996 [edit]

Between 1995 and 1996, the U.s. government faced two shutdowns during the Presidential term of Nib Clinton, who opposed proposed appropriation bills for 1996 past congressional Republicans (who had a bulk in both chambers) and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Both Gingrich and the majority of Congress sought to laissez passer bills that would reduce authorities spending, much against Clinton's political objectives for 1996. Clinton objected to funding cuts affecting education, the environment, and public health. Ane proposed bill threatened to cake a scheduled reduction he had planned towards premiums inside Medicare.[52] Both sides had differing opinions over the affect the proposed House bills would have over economical growth, medical aggrandizement, and predictable revenues,[53] with Clinton vetoing the bills over amendments added to them by congressional Republicans, despite Gingrich threatening to refuse to raise the land'due south debt ceiling.[53]

The first shutdown took place on 14 November 1995, later on a CR issued on one Oct had expired, and meetings between Democrat and Republican leaders failed to finish the deadlock.[53] The issue of the deadlock led to the majority of government departments being airtight downwards and 800,000 federal workers being furloughed as a result. Although the shutdown ended five days later on 19 November,[ten] the political friction between Clinton and Gingrich over the United states budget remained unresolved, and on 16 December 1995, after further spending bills failed to secure approval, a second shutdown took place. Although lasting 21 days, fewer departments were closed downwardly, and around 284,000 federal workers were furloughed during this menstruum.[x] The shutdown was eventually concluded on vi Jan 1996,[ten] when White Business firm and Congressional negotiators worked out a balanced budget understanding, which included approving towards pocket-sized spending cuts and tax increases.

Both shutdowns had a contrasting impact on the major political players in the deadlock. Gingrich'southward political career was negatively impacted past the shutdowns, in part due to a annotate he made during the deadlock that fabricated it audio like his reasons for it were petty.[54] [55] Clinton'due south presidential term was positively improved past the shutdown and cited equally office of the reason behind his successful re-election to the White House in 1996.[56]

Some effects of the shutdowns included the government, tourism, and airline industry losing millions of dollars in revenue during this period, with disruptions made towards the processing of passports and visas, and work on medical research and toxic waste product cleanup existence halted.

2013 [edit]

The shutdown of 2013 occurred during the Presidential term of Barack Obama, focusing on a disagreement between Republican-led House of Representatives and the Autonomous-led Senate towards the contents of the 2022 Continuing Appropriations Resolution bill, alongside other political issues. Congressional Republicans, encouraged past conservative senators such equally Ted Cruz,[57] and conservative groups such as Heritage Action,[58] [59] [sixty] sought to include several measures to the neb in belatedly 2013 that could delay funding for the 2013 Affordable Care Human action (ACA) and thus allow time for changes to exist fabricated to the act. Nonetheless, both Obama and Democratic senators refused to hold to these measures, seeking instead for the bill to maintain government funding at then-current sequestration levels with no additional atmospheric condition.[61] [62] [63]

The shutdown took identify on i Oct 2013, as a issue of an impasse over the contents of the bill, with the Firm unable to approve any CRs before this date. Democrats opposed further efforts by congressional Republicans, led by Business firm Speaker John Boehner, to delay funding of the ACA, and rejected piecemeal Resolution bills proposed by them to resolve the shutdown.[64] [65] As Congress was at an impasse amidst ascent concerns that the US would default on public debt, The states senators - particularly then Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid - negotiated a deal to end the deadlock. Their proposal, which won a Senate vote,[66] canonical an amended Resolution bill that would proceed funding at sequestration levels, temporarily append the debt limit until seven February 2014, and include a concession to congressional Republicans on the ACA past applying stricter income verification rules in regards to wellness insurance. Boehner eventually withdrew further objections and delaying attempts against the ACA upon the country existence within hours of breaking its debt limit on 16 October 2013,[67] with Congress approval the bill for Obama'south signature the post-obit solar day.[68]

The 16-day shutdown had considerable impact upon the United States: approximately 800,000 federal employees were put on furlough, while an additional one.iii meg had to written report to work without any known payment dates during this menstruum,[34] costing the government millions in back pay;[69] major regime programmes concerning Native Americans,[70] [71] children,[72] and domestic violence victims,[73] aslope the legal processing of aviary and immigration cases,[74] [75] and sexual assault cases handled by the Office of Ceremonious Rights,[76] were desperately disrupted by the shutdown; tourism was greatly impacted due to the closure of national parks and institutions during the shutdown and toll the government millions in lost revenue; and The states economic growth was reduced during this period. In political circles, the shutdown had a negative bear on on Republicans, every bit over half of Americans held Republicans accountable for the deadlock, in comparison to public opinion on the accountability of both the Democrats and Obama during this period.[77]

January 2018 [edit]

The shutdown of January 2022 was the get-go to occur during the Presidential term of Donald Trump and was centered effectually a disagreement on the effect of immigration. Past the start of Oct 2017, Congress had failed to approve an appropriation pecker to fund the U.s.a. government in 2018, and instead passed three CRs to go along federal agencies open until 19 January 2018. The failure to establish a permanent spending nib was due to Autonomous senators insisting that whatever proposed House neb needed to include funding for the Deferred Action for Babyhood Arrivals (DACA) immigration policy and assurances against displacement for immigrants that fell under the DREAM Act. Republicans refused to pass such bills, citing that discussions on immigration and those individuals under DACA would not be held until mid-March of the post-obit year.[78] [79] A senate vote to extend the 2022 Continuing Appropriations Resolution on 19 Jan 2018, which had passed a congressional vote the previous 24-hour interval, failed to reach a majority,[80] after Democratic senators led a delay aimed at forcing Republicans to invoke a shorter duration of CR and thus invoke negotiations that could lead to extensions of the DACA policy.[81] simply failed to achieve a bulk, as Democrats sought a shorter elapsing of CAR to force negotiations.

The shutdown took identify on 20 Jan 2018, and led to approximately 692,000 federal workers being furloughed.[36] An effort by Democrats to protect the payment of military personnel during the deadlock was rejected by Republicans, after Senate Bulk Leader Mitch McConnell stated that funding had to be restored for the entire Us government rather than for individual government branches.[82] [83] Despite the nib'due south failure, both sides engaged in negotiations that eventually culminated with a deal on a proposed stopgap measure out to fund the government for four weeks - every bit part of the proposal, Democrats agreed to end their delay and approve the Republican's mensurate, in exchange for fresh talks on the DACA policy and DREAM Act inside newly proposed Resolution bill. The measure was approved in the Firm and passed a Senate vote, effectively ending the shutdown on 23 Jan.[84]

The impact of the shutdown was non as astringent as in previous deadlocks - most regime departments, such as the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Bureau, were able to continue their functions during the iii-twenty-four hours deadlock despite their workers needing dorsum-pay in the aftermath,[85] and only a third of National Parks in the U.s.a. were closed down.[86] In the aftermath of the shutdown, the Senate debated on a beak for the 2022 Bipartisan Budget Act to provide 2-twelvemonth funding for the military, and provide an extension to the Resolution to keep the government funded for some other six weeks, only suffered delays that triggered the brief 9 February spending gap, though caused little disruptions and did not prevent the signing of the bill afterward it came to an end within ix hours.

Dec 2018–Jan 2019 [edit]

The shutdown of December 2018–January 2022 was the second to occur during the Presidential term of Donald Trump, and was due to a disagreement over negotiations for Trump's wall along the Mexico–United States border. Trump sought to accept the appropriation nib for 2022 include a funding measure on border security, providing $5.7 billion toward construction of the wall.[87] [88] Democrats refused to support the bill, citing that the funding would exist a waste product of taxpayer money and questioned the effectiveness the new wall would have, opting to advise bills that would include funding for border security, only towards improving pre-existing security measures. Trump initially backed down on demands for border wall funding, just reversed this decision on 20 December 2022 over pressure from supporters, refusing to sign any CRs that did non include information technology.[89] [90]

The shutdown began on 22 December 2018, later Democrats refused to support a new CR in the Senate that included approximately $v billion for the new border wall,[91] [92] and connected to cake farther attempts upon taking control of Congress on 3 Jan 2022 following the 2022 mid-term elections. Although he had back up from several Republicans, including Senate Bulk Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump faced strong opposition to border wall funding from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, with neither party able to suspension the political impasse through negotiations,[93] rallying public back up through televised addresses,[94] [95] offering proposals on alternative edge security funding measures,[96] or making concessions for a proposed appropriation pecker with regards to the DACA policy.[97] [98] The deadlock eventually concluded on 25 Jan 2019, when both chambers of Congress canonical a program to reopen the US authorities for iii weeks, in social club to facilitate a catamenia of negotiations to make up one's mind a suitable appropriation bill that both parties could concord upon, with Trump endorsing the bargain amidst rising security and safe concerns.[99] [100] [101]

The 35-day shutdown, the longest in US history later on surpassing the 21-day shutdown of 1995–1996,[102] led to 380,000 federal workers existence furloughed, and an additional 420,000 workers were required to piece of work without whatever known payment dates during this period, forcing many to detect other paid piece of work or protest against the extended flow of the deadlock.[103] [104] The extent of the funding gap had further major impacts - sharp reductions had to exist fabricated on SNAP payments,[105] [106] and the Internal Acquirement Service faced extensive delays on processing tax refunds worth around $140 billion;[107] a lack of resources due to the funding gap impacted the work of several agencies, with the FBI facing major disruptions that risked compromising a number of investigations being conducted at the time;[107] [108] staff shortages in the Transportation Security Assistants acquired a number of airports to exist airtight downward every bit a result; and economic growth was severely reduced by billions of dollars.[109] [110] [111] [112]

According to the Congressional Budget Office, the shutdown cost the government $3 billion in back pay for furloughed workers, plus $2 billion in lost tax revenues due to reduced tax evasion compliance activities by the Internal Revenue Service, and a smaller corporeality of lost fees such every bit for visits to national parks, for a total of about $5 billion.[38]

State and territorial governments [edit]

Year Start date Cease date Full days Location References
1991 Jul 1 Jul 17 17 Maine [113]
1991 Jul 1 Aug 23 54 Connecticut [113]
1991 Jul two Aug 4 34 Pennsylvania [113]
1992 Jul 1 Sep 1 63 California [114]
2002 Jul ane Jul 3 3 Tennessee [113] [115]
2005 Jul 1 Jul ix 9 Minnesota [116]
2006 May one May 13 thirteen Puerto Rico [117]
2006 Jul i Jul 8 8 New Jersey [118]
2007 Oct 1 October i 1 (approx. 4hrs) Michigan [119]
2007 Jul 11 Jul 12 i (approx. 6hrs) Pennsylvania [120] [121]
2009 October 1 Oct 1 1 (approx. 6hrs) Michigan [122]
2011 Jul 1 Jul 20 20 Minnesota


2015 Jul 1 Jul 6 6 Illinois [ citation needed ]
2017 Jul 1 Jul 4 three New Jersey [123] [124]
2017 Jul 1 Jul 4 4 Maine [125]

County governments [edit]

Yr Start date Finish date Total days Location References
2005 February 7 Feb 7 1 Erie Canton, NY [126] [127] [128]

Come across also [edit]

  • Loss of supply
  • Budget crisis
  • Budget deficit
  • Cabinet crisis
  • Constitutional crunch
  • Gridlock (politics)
  • Fiscal policy
  • Generational bookkeeping
  • Lockout
  • 1975 Australian constitutional crisis

U.Due south. [edit]

  • Arrears hawk
  • Taxation in the United States
  • Financial policy in the United states
  • National debt by U.Due south. presidential terms
  • Starve the beast
  • The states federal upkeep
  • The states public debt
  • Appropriations beak (United States)

References [edit]

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External links [edit]

  • Congressional Research Service: Shutdown of the Federal Government: Causes, Processes, and Effects


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