Are Pick a Card Tarot Reading Accurate

Learning to read tarot cards can exist a daunting task, especially if yous consider you need to know 78 cards and their meanings "like the back of your hand". Even if you are reading only for yourself, looking up the pregnant of the cards every time you determine to work with them will limit your power to tap in the intuitive insight they can provide when you have a very difficult situation or human relationship you want some guidance about.

This AskAstrology basic guide will requite you some helpful hints on how to learn to read tarot cards, so you tin can enjoy the experience and get the nigh out of the power of the tarot.

Become a Visually Accessible Deck (With Key Words) to Offset

At that place are thousands of decks to cull from, so you do not demand to choice a traditional deck that will require you to get a tarot scholar just to interpret one card. AskAstrology provides reviews of some of the best decks available and guidelines for picking your commencement deck in their deck review section. You can also read the article "Picking a Tarot Deck to Learn Tarot" by professional reader, Philip Young PhD

Once you have your deck in manus, allow the states become you from opening the deck to reading the cards effectively equally quickly every bit possible.

Become Ane with Your Deck

Tarot cards represent archetypes of human experience. Yous have experienced and will experience all the cards in the deck, repeatedly throughout your life. So, the easiest way to learn the cards is non by trying to memorize the meanings of the cards, but by connecting an experience from your life with each card.

Go Your Complimentary Tarot Bill of fare Reading

Become a Journal

Your next purchase, later you become your deck, should be a nice journal. In this journal you lot will start with the Fool card and work your way through all the Major Arcana, then all the Small-scale Arcana, writing most your life experience that best reflects each bill of fare.

Before yous begin to write your experience, you should read the explanation and keywords for the card provided by the booklet or companion book that comes with the deck. Again, you do non need to memorize the keywords or the description and estimation, you just demand to UNDERSTAND the key words and the description.

The Fool card represents a leap of faith, pure potential, fearlessness, trust in the universe, and taking a risk. When, in your life, did you embody the Fool. You may have to become dorsum to babyhood, or yesterday, simply you accept a string of Fool moments in your life. Pick the one y'all think best embodies this card and write that experience in your journal on the Fool page.

Once you have completed your Fool story, read about the Magician and determine when you embodied coming to a crossroads in life to make a pregnant option, problem solving with your skills and cognition, or learning something new that would exist useful to you in life. Pick the near vivid retentivity and write about it in as much detail as you can.

Go through the entire deck and capture the details of your tarot story; nosotros all have one. Later recording all your memories, when you describe a card from the deck, you will non exist trying to retrieve the keywords from a discrete memorization process, that really merely works for a select few in the whole of the human population. Y'all will immediately know and remember your experience of the card and be able to understand the meaning of the card instantly.

Test Yourself

Like whatsoever new skill you want to larn and excel at, you need to practise and practice. In his volume Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell argues that the cardinal to mastery or expertise is x,000 hours of continuous practice. If y'all want to become proficient and capable of reading tarot cards to maximize the value of the tool, and then you need to "touch" it every 24-hour interval.

First, showtime by putting the cards in order in the deck, start with the Fool and going to the World. Organize the Minor Arcana in suits and so that the cards are 1 to 10, and so the court cards. Get through the entire deck and call up each story yous chose for each menu. They are your stories, and then you should non take whatever trouble understanding the meaning of the cards.

Reorganize the deck, keeping the Major cards in their natural order, but this time, take nonetheless number and court cards and put them together as a group, in order. All the 1s, then all the 2s, and so on. Get through the deck again.

And finally, shuffle the cards and become through them again. Y'all may observe some cards feel very familiar and others not then much. Pull out all the well-nigh familiar cards and set them bated. Keep the less familiar ones and reshuffle them and go through them until yous experience similar y'all have a solid recall of each carte du jour.

Showtime Reading Tarot for Yourself

To Reverse or Not to Reverse, That is a Question

When you start out reading cards, employ them in the upright position as function of your learning and initial mastery period. If you plough the card over and it "comes up" reversed, rotate it into the upright position. At the first stages of learning, reversals double and complicate meanings. In that location are enough of cards in the deck that can function negatively upright (5 of Cups, 5 of Swords, 5 of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, 9 of Swords, and so on), so you do not need reversals to get "no" answers.

One Card Depict (No Question)

One of the best ways to larn tarot is by making a daily carte du jour draw in the morning, in one case yous are awake and alarm, or at dark, just before you go to bed. Yous practice not demand to ask a question, merely select a bill of fare as a meditation for the mean solar day or as an intention for meditation in your dreams country.

How to Enquire a Question of the Tarot

As tempting as information technology may be to want to inquire well-nigh other people'south intentions or actions, such questions are not appropriate; information technology is a psychic invasion of privacy. So, while you may desire to inquire, "how does my lover feel almost me?" (an inappropriate question), the appropriate question you might ask is, "how do I feel about the way my lover treats me?" That is your question and the cards will help yous reach an answer.

Therefore, questions should always be self-focused even if they involve some other person. Y'all might have this situation, "my son is in an unhappy matrimony, will he go divorced?" Not your question to inquire or answer. Instead, "my son is in an unhappy matrimony, how can I best back up him?" Questions involving other people should never be about getting access to information they should provide.

3 Approaches to A Reading

Information technology does not affair if you are drawing 1 carte, 10 cards, or using the entire deck. There are 3 cardinal ways to approach reading the cards:

  1. Ask a specific question, such every bit: "I take a chore offer in another part of the world, should I take the job?" Or, "I went out with someone I really similar, but have concerns; should I go on a 2d date?"
  2. Ask about an surface area of life, but nothing specific: "What practise I need to know most my relationships." Or, "What do I need to know about my career?"
  3. Be open; practise not enquire a question. Just see what comes upward.

Doing A Tarot Reading

To do a reading, choose which of the three approaches y'all desire to take. Ask a specific question, think or inquire about an area of your life, or relax and be open. One time you have your choice clear in your listen and shuffle the cards.

After shuffling, you may choose to spread the cards out in front end of you (fan them out) so y'all tin can selection a card from anywhere in the deck. Or, yous can end shuffling and accept the superlative bill of fare or bottom carte du jour from the deck. Or, you lot tin can finish shuffling and cut the cards into any number of stacks and take the top card off one of the stacks.

Regardless of how you shuffle and draw the cards, you lot want to create a repeatable process so you can "ritualize" your reading technique. Ritual practice helps focus your listen and hone your intuition. Try different techniques until you discover the one that resonates with you and use it regularly when you do readings going frontwards.

One Bill of fare Reading (Question and Reply)

The question is, "I have a new job offer in some other role of the country, should I have information technology?" You lot follow your shuffling and drawing procedure and select the Queen of Pentacles:

She represents financial stability, proper management of your resource, and cautious investing. She invests in the long term, depression take a chance solutions. Your answer is "yep", you should take the job if information technology improves your financial security and provides a rubber and secure opportunity. Information technology is "no" if the risk his loftier and the financial reward is unclear; you need to take the stable path now.

Let usa consider a different card and its meaning, the Knight of Cups:

The Knight of Cups follows his heart and pursues his dream. He is guided by his feelings, trusts his instincts, and follows a quest using his feelings. The answer is "yes", if it feels right or the determination "warms your heart". The answer is "no" if you lot are trying to make the applied choice and play it rubber by taking the new position; if your "center is not in it", and so it is not the correct chore. See: Aye or No Tarot Reading.

Ii Carte du jour Reading (Area of Life Reading)

For this reading, y'all decide to just ask most or think about an surface area of your life, but without a specific question in mind, and so "what do I demand to know about my romantic relationship?" or "I want to know about romance."

You shuffle and draw ii cards, assigning them values. The first card will represent what you demand to know now and the second carte will represent what you need to know for guidance going forward. You draw two cards and select The Devil outset and the 8 of Swords 2d:

Right at present, you want to "become for information technology" and act without whatever business for the consequences. However, going forwards you will face feet and worry if you cull to human action selfishly.

Now, permit usa reverse the same two cards and meet how the bulletin changes. The viii of Swords is your first carte du jour and the Devil is your second card.

You have negative thinking and worry about your romantic relationship and romance. However, your guidance going forrad is to "become for it". Go afterwards what yous desire and deal with the consequences after. Do non trap yourself!

Equally you can see the order of the cards dramatically changes the interpretation of the answer.

Practice, Exercise, Practise … and Consider Studying with a Professional

If you lot actually desire to larn to read tarot cards, practice and application on a regular and ongoing basis is primal. You lot may also observe it helpful to study with a professional reader.

Ultimately, whether you read for yourself, others as a gift, you desire to be able to know the cards inside and out, and so yous tin can run across the bulletin coherently, especially if you make up one's mind to do readings with equally many as 5 to ten cards.


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